We're a movie production result driven marketing agency

We listen , we understand, we think , we care and most importantly, we stay focused on creating an outstanding design that works hard for your business.

We produce documentaries, corporate films, features and commercials for companies across the globe. We also promote brands, companies in digital platform and we help you improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.

Digital Marketing

At a high level, digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Using these online media channels, digital marketing is the method by which companies endorse goods, services, and brands.

Social Marketing

We employ various online marketing techniques like targeting relevant audience, COBRAs (Consumer’s online brand-related activities), eWOM (electronic word of mouth) etc. to put you on an edge above your competitor on various social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and many more as per your requirement.

SEO Optimization

At Tarzan production we perform various functions including selection of appropriate keyword combinations frequently used in the searches, identification of the target users for your website, web service optimization and the like. Apart from this, while working with us you have the option of choosing a package of all your requirements.

Post Production

Process of filmmaking, video production, audio production, and photography. Post-production includes all stages of production occurring after shooting or recording individual program segments.

Line Production

We are producer who is the key manager during daily operations of a feature film, advertisement film, television film, or an episode of a TV program. A line producer usually works on one film at a time.

Event Production

Event management is the project management to the creation and development of small and/or large-scale personal or corporate events such as conferences, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts, or conventions.


Expert Designers and Developers trained in the creative and digital industry

we are a bunch of tech heads, creative heads with equal passion for both technology and brands; we love to interact with our consumers on a day to day basis, understand their problems and come up with creative solutions for them.

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